Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer Reading Challenge: Week one recap

It's officially been a week since we started the challenge. I feel like I need some sort of book ticker that can count the books read. Hmmmm...

Anyway, this weekend, we were recovering from various illnesses and had a lot of time to read. I don't have my lists of the books we read handy, so I'll post them in a different post.

I do know that since the last update earlier this week, we've read 25 books, bringing our grand total to 40. 260 to go!

I've also finished two "grown-up" books and have started three more.

We've had so much fun reading. My daughter has decided that she doesn't want to read the same book twice, so she's set on reading every book in the house. It's pretty cool to see her examining book covers and asking me to read the titles, trying to figure out which one she wants us to read together. And it's always interesting to see if the cover and title of the book meet her expectations. I'm in the process of writing some blog posts about titles didn't quite meet them.

Okay, so this week I want to continue reading about five picture books a night with the daughter, have a short individual reading session with my son every night and read something for myself every night.

What are your reading goals for
the week? How many books are you reading this summer?

1 comment:

  1. We, too, are trying to read 300 books this summer. It started with the Fairfax County summer reading program, which I was a little surprised was only...15 books. 15!! That's, like, two days for us! We are keeping a list of titles for both my daughter (5, who can read) and son (3 1/2, who cannot). The little guy (1) is just clapping for us. I want my kids to equate summer with reading! I blog about the bogs we if you need any ideas. :)
