The characters are very well-developed and believable. Conn's feelings seem real as he struggles for acceptance. This is a fast-paced and engrossing classical story of good vs. evil, the story of an impoverished child whose newly discovered magical skills give him a better chance in life. What is new at least to me is that this story presents an interesting concept I've never seen before: Conn believes that magic is a living being, and Sarah Prineas leaves it wide open to be explored further in the sequel, The Magic Thief: Lost.
More Info:
- Reading level: Ages 9-12
- Hardcover: 432 pages
- Publisher: HarperCollins (June 3, 2008)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 006137587X
- ISBN-13: 978-006137587
- Source of book: Public library
The Magic Thief is a finalist in the Cybils' Fantasy & Science Fiction category.

Maybe the most incredible album from this awesome girl ! she is so talented!