Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Madame Poulet and Monsieur Roach by Dianne de Las Casas, illustrated by Marita Gentry

Growing up in the rich storytelling country of the Appalachians, I latched on to stories and folktales when I was very young. There's something quite magical about listening to someone tell you a story, and I especially love to hear retellings of old classics I heard when I was a child. That's why when Pelican Publishing sent a copy of Dianne de Las Casas's The Cajun Cornbread Boy, a retelling of the Gingerbread Boy, it became a fast favorite in our house. In fact, my daughter asks me to read it to her often and even makes me chase her while she says, "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me. I'm full of cayenne."

So, when Pelican sent a copy of Dianne de Las Casas's newest book, Madame Poulet and Monsieur Roach, we were eager to crack it open. Set in New Orleans back in the day when chickens and roaches were friends, Madame Poulet (a chicken) and Monsieur Roach (a roach of course) were best friends. They live together and are supposed to forage for food together, but lazy Monsieur Roach decides to pretend to be sick and invites all of his roach friends over for a marvelous fête while Madame Poulet is out looking for food. When Madame Poulet catches on, she gets a bit of revenge, and it's the end of friendships between chickens and roaches forever.

This is the kind of story that is meant to be read and acted out loud. You absolutely have to sing the song that the roaches sing while Madame Poulet is out (set to the tune of "La Cucharacha"). While the story is mostly set inside the New Orleans house of Madame Poulet and Monsieur Roach, Marita Gentry's illustrations give you colorful glimpses of New Orleans as Madame Poulet goes about her day foraging for food. With words and phrases like fête, madame, monsieur, and "Laissez les bons temps roule!" seamlessly sprinkled throughout, you get a sense of the city's Cajun culture. A glossary in the back defines all of the French words that are in the book.

This is the type of story you can really have fun with. Kids will laugh, especially at the stomach-turning ending.

Reading Level: Ages 4-8 | Publisher: Pelican Publishing (September 8, 2009) |
ISBN-13: 978-1589806863 | Source: Review copy from publisher

The links in this post are affiliate links. With every purchase you make through clicking on these links, you are helping support The Well-Read Child. All proceeds are used to buy brand new books for a local women and children's shelter.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 by Charles C. Mann

"In Fourteen-Hundred Ninety Two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." And he found a "new world" and "new people." But was this world and its people really new? Of course not! And chances are that unless your history books in school were written by anthropologists, you most likely were taught incorrect or incomplete information about the Americas before Columbus arrived. In fact, that may have been glossed over completely, and Columbus's "discovery" of America may have been the starting point of American history for you.

In Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491, Charles C. Mann sets the record straight with a compelling look at the peoples of ancient America. Based on findings presented his book 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Before Columbus answers three questions:
  • How old was the "New World?"
  • Why did Europe succeed?
  • Were the Americas really a wilderness?
In answering these questions, readers are taken on amazing journey and learn some surprising facts. Stunning photographs, paintings, maps, and call-out boxes supplement the narrative and bring Native Americans and their stories to life.

This would make a perfect addition to a history class or home library. Highly recommended.

ISBN: 978-1416949008 | Reading Level: Young Adult | Publisher: Atheneum, 2009 |
Source: Cybils review copy from publisher

This book was nominated for a Cybils awards in the YA/MG Nonfiction category.

The links in this post are affiliate links. With every purchase you make through clicking on these links, you are helping support The Well-Read Child. All proceeds are used to buy brand new books for a local women and children's shelter.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Written in Bone: Buried Lives of Jamestown and Colonial Maryland by Sally M. Walker

Holding a lifelong infatuation with archeology, I'm always watching shows or reading books about digs and discoveries. The quality of writing varies among the different books and programs. Sometimes it's way too technical. Other times it's boring and just presents fact after fact.

When Sally M. Walker's Written in Bone: Buried Lives of Jamestown and Colonial Maryland was nominated for a Cybils award, I was eager to check it out, and I was delighted to see that it was well-written, engaging, and full of interesting information.

Written In Bone takes readers along the journey as scientists uncover skeletons and other artifacts from Colonial Jamestown, VA and Colonial Maryland. What makes this book exceptional are the stories it tells along the way. Not only do we learn more about the actual skeletons that were uncovered, but we learn about the way of life that was often brutal and even deadly during this period. For example, indentured servants were often abused as the bones of a young boy found hastily buried in a cellar revealed. Babies were often swaddled so much that they didn't receive important vitamins from sunlight and died in early infancy as revealed from the bones of an infant discovered in a lead coffin under a Maryland church.

The book takes readers through the excavation of the different skeletons and the process involved in determining key information about who they were, where they lived, and how they died. It never gets too technical and makes for a fascinating read.

If you get a chance to visit the DC area, a visit to the American Museum of Natural History to "meet" some of the skeletons and artifacts featured in the book. I got a chance to see it before I read the book and was pleasantly surprised to read more about some of them.

I highly recommend this book and think it may even inspire some readers to explore careers in forensic anthropology.

ISBN: 978-0-8225-7135-3 | Carolrhoda Books, 2009 | Source: Review Copy from Publisher

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What My Children Are Reading 11/12/09

 Head on over to Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile to leave your links and comments for this week's What My Children Are Reading.

Also, I've decided to take a brief hiatus from blogging as I prepare for the holidays, read Cybils nominees, and get ready for a new baby. I'll be on sporadically to talk about the Cybils and other Kid Lit news. Cheers!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What My Children Are Reading, November 5, 2009

I'm catching up on Cybils reading and hope to have new reviews to you soon. In the meantime, be sure to stop by Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns and let everyone know what your kids are reading this week!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What My Children Are Reading, October 29, 2009

This week's reading has been severely limited due to the flu, but please be sure to visit Amy at The Art of Irreverence who is hosting this week's round up.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Re-Post: Nonfiction Evaulation Criteria

I posted this last year around this time when I was serving as a panelist on the Cybils Middle Grade/Young Adult Nonfiction Panel. Since I'm on the panel again this year, I thought I'd post it again to serve as a reminder for what I'm looking for when evaluating the nearly 50 books that have been nominated in this genre. 

Originally posted 11/13/2008

Middle graders and young adults span from approximately age 9 to 14+. That's quite a wide age range, so as I'm reading, I'm asking myself if the subject matter as well as the language, visual elements, organization, and tone seem appropriate for the book's intended age. As a former middle school and high school teacher, I know that kids in this age group do not want to be treated like little children or feel as if they're being talked down to. Likewise, they don't like to read books with childish illustrations or large "baby" fonts. On the other side of the spectrum, I pay attention to whether or not the same elements may be more appropriate for older audiences.

Layout is important when it comes to evaluating a book. A pet peeve of mine in nonfiction is when a sentence or paragraph carries over onto the next page, and you have to flip back to read an interesting text box, time line, or photo caption. If I have to turn a page so that I can finish reading a sentence and then have to flip back to read something else, I get annoyed, and I can imagine that kids may NOT flip back and miss interesting information. I know that this is sometimes out of the author's control and that it has to do with printing issues, but to me, good layout and content go hand in hand. What use is good content if it's missed or forgotten because it's poorly organized?

On a similar note, I also look at how information is organized and chunked. Are section headings easy to find? Is the information organized so that it follows a logical flow and is appealing to the eye or do readers have to wade through lots of text or read tons of information and elements that are crowded onto the pages.

To me, readability is just as important as engaging text.

Writing Style/Tone
As I mentioned above, kids don't want to be talked down to, but at the same time, they don't want to read dull, dry text. As I'm reading the books, I take a close look at the writing style and tone and try to get a grasp on whether it's engaging and conversational. Does it draw readers in by asking questions or presenting problems that need to be solved? If it's a biography, does the author present the subject matter in a way that makes the person(s) appealing to readers? Can they relate to them? Are readers inspired to keep turning the page?

Appealing Story
Even though it's nonfiction, the book should still tell a story or stories that interest kids and keeps them from putting the book down. The story could be about Abraham Lincoln's assassination, a historian's quest to discover information about a legendary figure, or the story behind the formation of a new solar system. To me, excellent nonfiction doesn't just present straight facts. I can get that kind of information in an encyclopedia. Instead, excellent nonfiction draws me into a story about something or someone, inspires me to ask questions and want to discover the answers, and makes me CARE about the subject matter.

Visual Elements

I finally look at the visual elements in a book to help me distinguish the good from the great. Granted, some genres like biography or autobiography don't necessarily require a lot of photos or illustrations, but they certainly don't hurt. Or do they? Going back to age-appropriateness, visual elements CAN hurt a book's quality if they are too immature or even too mature for the intended audience. If I pick up a book about The Civil War that's written for a middle grade audience, I don't expect to see gory pictures of corpses strewn about a battle field. But I DO expect to see pictures of important people from this time period and perhaps some weapons or other relics.

I tend to prefer nonfiction where the visual elements are integral parts of the book instead of supplementary elements. By that I mean, does the book merely include a drawing of a chapter's subject matter at the beginning of the chapter or are illustrations, photographs, maps, timelines, etc. scattered throughout? Are they colorful, crisp, easy to distinguish, and eye-catching? Do they have captions if appropriate? Can a reluctant reader pick the book up and be engaged without having to read all of the text? That's important to me.

Does the book have a list of references at the end, an index, glossary, or a sources consulted section? Not only do references give you a place to go for more information, but it shows you where the author got his/her information. Moreover, it adds credibility to the content especially when the book has been reviewed by an expert(s) in the field of the book's subject matter.

These criteria are really helping me focus on the different elements of the nominated books I've been reading and is helping me distinguish the good from the great. Anything I'm missing here?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Chasing Lincoln's Killer by James L. Swanson

When John Wilkes Booth learned that Abraham Lincoln would be attending a play at Ford's Theatre on April 14, 1865, a theater Booth had virtually unlimited access to, he couldn't believe his luck. It was finally his chance to kill the president he abhorred, but he only had a few hours to make plans. And boy did he hatch a plan that also included the murder of Vice President Johnson and Secretary of State Seward. He quickly got his co-conspirators in position, planned his escape, and waited for the perfect moment to kill the president, a task he unfortunately completed.

 It's highly probable that most Americans know that John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theatre on April 14, 1865, but many don't know about the 12-day hunt for Booth through the Maryland and Virginia countrysides. James L. Swanson's Chasing Lincoln's Killer describes the events leading up to and after the assassination and greatly details his escape and eventual capture and death. Readers learn about the Confederate sympathizers who provided weapons, food, and shelter to Booth and his co-conspirator, David Herold, along the way; they learn about the investigation that led up to his capture; and they learn about the trials of the co-conspirators.

Chasing Lincoln's Killer is what great nonfiction should be. It reads like a heart-pounding story with enough detail to give you an intimate picture of Booth, but it doesn't overwhelm you with facts and details that make a lot of nonfiction difficult to navigate. Photographs sprinkled throughout offer visuals of the main "characters" in the book and take you back to 1865. You almost forget that this really happened and that you're not reading a novel.

Highly recommended. 

This book is the YA adaptation of Swanson's Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln's Killer, and I'm eager to read it for even more detail.

Chasing Lincoln's Killer is a Cybils nominee in the MG/YA Nonfiction category.

ISBN:  978-0439903547  | Publisher/Publication Date:  Scholastic (February 2009)  |   Source: Copy from public library

Nonfiction Monday is hosted at Wrapped in Foil today.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

What My Children Are Reading, October 22, 2009

This week, we've been digging into some "older" books.

Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. Her daycare provider actually read this to her last week, and all I heard about on the way home was "Max this," and "Max that," and "Dancing with Wild Things and a 'Wumpus'." So, we've had to dig out our personal copy on the shelf and read it every single night. Honestly, it's hard to find a more perfectly-executed children's book, so it's been a joy reading it to her. We won't go see the movie because I think it may be a little too scary for her, but I think she'll enjoy it when she's a little older. 
(Source of book: Purchased personal copy)

The House in the Night by Susan Marie Swanson, illustrated by Beth Krommes. I'm only putting this book in the "older" category because we've had a copy since it was published in 2008, and we've read it numerous times. If you haven't checked out Caldecott Medal book, you're missing on on a real treat. The beautiful black and gold scratchboard illustrations perfectly complement the simple story. Here's a full review I wrote in June 2008.

(Source of book: Review copy from publisher)

What are your children reading this week?  Rebecca at Rebecca Reads is hosting this week's round-up, so stop by and let her know!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Once Was Lost by Sara Zarr

Sara Zarr's latest young adult novel, Once Was Lost is a beautifully-written account of a teen girl's life-changing summer. Samara, called "Sam" by everyone, is the daughter of a small-town minister. The book begins almost a month after her alcoholic mother was sent to rehab after a DUI incident. Not only is Sam struggling with her mother's absence, but the family's finances will probably not allow her to return to her private high school at summer's end. On top of that, her father seems to be dealing with his wife's absence through denial...he doesn't talk to Sam about it at all and chooses to spend most of his time working at the church or helping other families with their problems. When a young girl from the church mysteriously disappears, the community is sent into upheaval, and Sam truly begins to question the faith and beliefs she's held close her entire life.

To say Once Was Lost is about faith or alcoholism or Sam's "coming-of-age" or a young girl's kidnapping is just too simple because Sara Zarr's writing and story weaving is just too complex for that. It's about all of those things and more, but it's not an "issues" book. It's more about a girl's struggle with and acceptance of identity, and all of the other stories and incidents contribute to her journey. If you've read Zarr's other two novels, Sweethearts, and Story of a Girl, you're familiar with her exceptional ability to not only tell a gripping and compelling story but to really get inside the heads of the main characters and make them real. It was the same with Once Was Lost. From the get-go, you really care about Sam. She's a REAL teen who is struggling with some REAL issues. You can feel the sadness, anxiety, and suspicion grow amongst the residents of the town as each day passes with no sign from the missing girl, Jody. You can feel Sam's pain as she tries to deal with her mother's absence and her father's denial, and you can feel her uncertainty and "cautious optimism" when a boy seems to like her. As with her other books, you really don't know how it's going to turn out until the very end, and even then, the future for the main characters is wide open.

Sara Zarr has fast become one of my favorite authors of realistic fiction. Once Was Lost comes with my highest recommendation.

Reading Level: Young Adult | ISBN: 978-0316036047 | Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, October 2009 | Source: Purchased Kindle E-Book Version

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What My Children Are Reading, October 15, 2009 edition

 Brimful Curiosities is hosting this week's What My Children Are Reading. Head on over to submit your link and to see what everyone's reading!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The National Book Award Finalists

The National Book Foundation announced the finalists for the 2009 National Book Awards today. Here are the finalists in the Young People's Literature category:

Deborah Heiligman, Charles and Emma: The Darwins’ Leap of Faith
Phillip Hoose, Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice
David Small, Stitches
Laini Taylor, Lips Touch: Three Times
Rita Williams-Garcia, Jumped

Congratulations to all of the nominees!

I'm excited that two finalists: Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith and Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice are nominees in the Cybils Nonfiction MG/YA Category, the category in which I'm serving as a Round 1 panelist. By the way, tomorrow (October 15) is the last day in which you can submit nominations, so head on over to the Cybils site and nominate your favorite books ASAP if you haven't already!

For more information about the nominated books and to see the nominees in other categories, visit National Book Foundation.

Betsy-Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace

If you've been browsing children's literature blogs and other book blogs, you've probably noticed a lot of recent posts about Betsy-Tacy, the classic series by Maud Hart Lovelace. That's because the series has been reissued and Betsy and Tacy have been on tour.

I'm excited to be taking part in the tour because I enjoyed the books when I was a child, and it was quite a treat to be reintroduced to the characters and the small town Deep Valley, Minnesota. Even though Maud Hart Lovelace began writing the books in the 1930's, children will identify with the friends Betsy, Tacy, and Tib as they deal with real-life issues.

In the books, we see the characters grow up from the time they are five through high school to the time of Betsy's wedding. For this blog tour, I am focusing on books three and four: Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill and Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown. The girls are getting older (10 in book three), and wheras the first two books featured vignettes of sorts of Betsy, Tacy, and Tib, books three and four have more of a plot as the girls begin to venture out of the comfort of their homes.

In Betsy and Tacy Go Over the Big Hill, the girls go to "Little Syria," a community of Lebanese immigrants. It's here that the girls make new friends and develop an appreciation for what it means to be American and have freedoms like the freedom of religion. But interwoven among this theme are lighthearted episodes that will certainly appeal to children and keep them reading. For example, they fall in love with the King of Spain and have an argument with Betsy and Tacy's big sisters about who will be the Queen of Summer.

In Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown, the girls are now twelve, grown-up enough to have even more adventures. This book is a book of "firsts" for the girls. They go the theatre for the first time, ride in a car for the first time, and discover how wonders of the new Carnegie Library. This really struck home with me because the library was one of my favorite places when I was a child. I also identified with this book growing up because the girls befriend the new kid in town. I moved to a new town and school when I was 10. This is a great book as the girls transition into young adulthood.

Maud Hart Lovelace's work with setting and characterization is outstanding. You grow to love the characters and their hometown. As I was reading, I felt as if I lived in Deep Valley, even though I've never even been to Minnesota. I would not hesitate to give these books to children who love realistic fiction.

Check out the other tour stops this week!
Monday, October 12th: Red Lady’s Reading Room
Tuesday, October 13th: A High and Hidden Place
Wednesday, October 14th: The Well-Read Child (here!!!)
Thursday, October 15th: Diary of an Eccentric

Betsy-Tacy Book Relaunch Parties are happening across the country. Is one coming to your area?

10/23: Bainbridge Island, WA at the Library (This date is still a bit tentative.)

11/7: Highland Village, TX Barnes and Noble

11/8: St. Paul, MN Red Balloon Bookshop 

4/17/10: Dallas, TX, Dallas Heritage Village 

Thanks to TLC Book Tours for setting up the tour and Harper Collins for providing review copies of the books.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Winter's Tail Prize Pack Winner

Thank you to everyone who entered the Winter's Tail contest! Unfortunately, I could only offer the following prize pack to one winner:

  • Dolphin Plush
  • Dolphin Key Chain
  • Winter’s Tail game for Nintendo DS
  • Copy of Winter’s Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned to Swim Again Book 
 Using to randomly draw a number, Megan is the winner!
Congratulations!!! I will e-mail you for your address!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What My Children Are Reading (October 8, 2009)

We've been a little "off" this week with reading. My daughter has been much more interested in playing with some new puzzles and doing crafts on her new craft table than reading. We have managed to sneak in a few books though.

Here's what she's enjoyed the most:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
It's weird how this book sits on the shelf for weeks at time, and then suddenly, my daughter will pick it up and beg to have it read to her over and over again. I've read this to her since she was a tiny baby, so she knows most of the words by heart.

She asked me this week if we could go to the store and buy everything the caterpillar eats in the book. That would be fun, but I'd have to figure out how to make meals out of such a wide array of food. Sausage cupcakes?

The Construction Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta
 We picked this up at the library because my daughter is fascinated by construction sites and big machines. The text is a little too complex, but she's fascinated at all of the illustrations. I certainly learned a lot by reading this book! I certainly never knew all of the terms for all of those "machine-thingys."

So, what are your children reading this week?
Tanya Dennis at  In the Dailies is hosting today, so be sure to stop by and leave your link!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Earth and Sky by Pascale Hédelin, illustrated by Laurent Richard

Happy Nonfiction Monday! It's been quite a while since I've done a Nonfiction Monday post because I haven't had a lot of time to scour the library for good finds. Thankfully, I've recently received some great selections in the mail, and as a panelist in the Cybils MG/YA Nonfiction category, I hope to be bringing you some great selections for middle graders and teens very soon. By the way, if you haven't nominated your favorite titles, do stop by the Cybils website by October 15 and do so.

Earth and Sky by Pascale Hédelin, illustrated by Laurent Richard arrived in the mail from Owlkids just this week, and it provides a wonderful and interactive introduction to the Earth and our solar system. With basic information about everything from erosion to volcanos to constellations to the International Space Station, Earth and Sky presents digestible chunks of information perfect for curious learners.

What makes the book unique and what will appeal to young learners are the interactive elements on nearly every spread. You can lift flaps, pull tabs, and even move the Earth around the sun to learn more about the featured topics. A page about the moon features a large illustration of the moon with indentations, allowing readers to feel the moon's craters, seas, and plains.

 Pascale Hédelin did a great job of choosing just the right amount of interesting information to present, and Laurent Richard's illustrations provide an engaging and fun reading experience. This would make a great supplement to a home, classroom, or homeschool library.

ISBN: 978-1897349687 | Owlkids, September 2008 | Age Range: 5+ | Source: Review copy from publisher

Visit Moms Inspire Learning for more great nonfiction selections!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie by Maggie Stiefvater

Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie by Maggie Stiefvater

Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie is the sequel to Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception. (my review here) The book picks up where Lament left off. James and Dee are at the music school Thornking-Ash, and it seems as if they cannot escape the devious and murderous fey that nearly killed James in Lament.

Ballad is told from the point of view of James, and I think Maggie Stiefvater made a smart choice in doing this because get an up-close-and-personal look into the mind of a wonderful character. Not only is James being tormented by his near-death experience and love for Dee, but he can't help but feel himself getting attracted to Nuala, a homicidal faerie who can only gain strength by sucking the life out of talented humans, and James is her target. But something is different this time. Nuala develops feelings for James, and as Halloween approaches, James is forced to choose between the lives of Nuala and Dee.

As I've come to expect with Maggie Stiefvater's works, Ballad is beautifully written. The plot is fast-paced and heart-pounding up to the end, and Stiefvater has a way for making you truly care for all of the characters you're supposed to care for, even the minor characters like James' roommate Paul and the English teacher Mr. Sullivan. Dee is more of a minor character in this book, and we mostly see how she is dealing with the absence of Luke (the homicidal faerie SHE fell in love with in Lament) through unsent text messages to James that are scattered throughout the book.

I especially loved Nuala's character and loved the sections that were told from her point of view. She's lovable, feisty, and of course, a little evil, and Stiefvater did an exceptional job of illustrating the change in Nuala throughout the book.

Fans of Lament will NOT be disappointed with Ballad.

Check out the book trailer Maggie Stiefvater created.

What Other Bloggers Are Saying: 
Charlotte's Library: "A fantastic, fun read, told in the alternating viewpoints of Nuala and James, interspersed with text messages from Dee that she never sends...Even if you think the faerie thing has been done to death, this might well change your mind." (read more...)

The Crooked Shelf: "Stunning does not do this book justice." (read more...)

Age Range: Young Adult | Flux, October 1, 2009 | Source of book: Review copy from publisher. 

Thursday, October 1, 2009

What My Children Are Reading

Happy October! Here on the East coast, it's my favorite time of the year, and this week, Autumn has finally made an appearance. The crisp chill in the air, the beautiful red, orange, and yellow leaves on the trees, and the sweet tang of hot apple cider brings back so many wonderful memories of my childhood in Southwest Virginia.

My daughter seems to be catching "Fall Fever" as well, and this year, she seems to be much more aware of the change in season and the pumpkin, scarecrow, and Halloween decorations. In fact, she's a bit obsessed with pumpkins, which is why I was so happy to receive copies of the two new books in National Geographic Kids' "Picture the Seasons" series.

Seed, Sprout, Pumpkin, Pie by Jill Esbaum takes kids on a journey of the pumpkin from seed to table. It even talks about other uses for pumpkins like turning giant pumpkins into boats, making jack-o-lanterns, and using leftover pumpkins for animal feed or fertilizer.  Gorgeous photographs are the showpiece of this book, and the simple, sparse text make it a perfect read for beginning readers. Since this book arrived last week, my little girl has asked me to read the "Pumpkin Book" over and over, and earlier this week, she instructed me to "go buy the biggest big big pumpkins in the world and make jack-o-face lanterns."

Apples for Everyone, also by Jill Esbaum, follows a similar format to Seed, Sprout, Pumpkin, Pie. It takes you on the apple's journey from seed to table and shows all of the ways apples can be enjoyed from cider to caramel apples. The photographs are beautiful AND delicious.

I can see these books being used in preschool classrooms and early elementary classrooms to supplement lessons about the fall, plant development, fruits and vegetables, and more. Combine them with National Geographic Kids' A Tree for All Seasons and Pilgrims of Plymouth for a well-rounded introduction to the fall season.

In Need of Chocolate is hosting today's round-up.
Be sure to visit and share what your children are reading!

Source of books: Review copy from publisher

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cybils Nominations Open Up Tomorrow

Tomorrow, nominations for the 2009 Children's and Young Adult Bloggers' Literary Awards open up and will remain open until October 15th.

Be sure to stop by the Cybils site and nominate your favorite books published between October 16, 2008 and October 15, 2009 in the following genres:

  • Fiction Picture Books
  • Middle Grade Fiction
  • Young Adult Fiction
  • Nonfiction Picture Books
  • Middle Grade/Young Adult Nonfiction
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • Poetry
  • Graphic Novels 
  • Easy Readers and Short Chapter Books

The panelists are being announced are gearing up to see what books in their genre are going to be nominated. I'm super excited to be serving again this year on the Middle Grade/Young Adult Nonfiction Panel.

Here are the panelists and judges in that category:

Panel Organizer: Susan Thomsen, Chicken Spaghetti

Panelists (Round I Judges):
Alicia Blowers, The LibrariYAn
Sarah Rettger, Archimedes Forgets
Jennie Rothschild, Biblio File
Jill Tullo, The Well-Read Child (me!!!)
Erin Walker, Erin Explores YA

Round II Judges:
Wendy Burton, Six Boxes of Books
Jennifer Donovan, 5 Minutes for Books
Dave Judge, Adventures at Wilder Farm (Author Lita Judge's blog)
Colleen Mondor, Chasing Ray
Lisa L. Owens, L.L. Owens-Children's Writing Blog

I can't wait to see what gets nominated!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Winter's Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned to Swim Again (Review and Giveaway)

ATTENTION: This contest is now closed. Thank you for your entries! 
Today I'm excited to be offering a huge prize pack in celebration of the release of the new nonfiction children's book: Winter's Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned to Swim Again by Juliana Hatkoff, Isabella Hatkoff, and Craig Hatkoff

Synopsis from Scholastic:
"When Winter, an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin, was found trapped with her tail badly damaged, she was not expected to survive. This is her miraculous story, from her rescue to learning how to swim again to her unprecedented success using a prosthetic tail. This is also a celebration of her indomitable spirit."

Winter's story is one that I believe many children will truly enjoy. The copy is comprehensive yet written simply enough for a young reader to be able to understand. Full color photographs of Winter throughout her journey accompany the text on each page, giving children a close-up look at the lovable dolphin.

In celebration of the book's release, one (1)  reader will receive a Winter’s Tail prize pack!
  • Dolphin Plush
  • Dolphin Key Chain
  • Winter’s Tail game for Nintendo DS
  • Copy of Winter’s Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned to Swim Again Book 

Entry Rules: 
  • To enter, please leave a comment below by Monday, October 12, 2009 at noon, Eastern Standard Time. 
  • Receive an additional entry by linking to the giveaway on your blog. Please leave your link in the comments section. 
  • Receive one more entry for a total of three possible entries by linking to the contest on Twitter. Be sure to use @wellreadchild in your tweet. 

More information and resources:
Watch the Book Trailer: 

Shipping Guidelines:
The Winter’s Tail book promotion is open to participants with a United States mailing address only (international readers can enter if they have a friend in the States who can accept their prizes by mail!)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What My Children Are Reading (September 24 edition)

I'd like to offer a BIG THANKS to those of you who've signed up to host a Thursday in the coming weeks. There are still some November and December slots available, so please let me know if you'd like to host.

This week my daughter and I have been enjoying Dr. Seuss. Before she was born, I bought a collection of Seuss books for her library, and only recently has she begun to show interest.

The rhymes are perfect and silly, and the illustrations make her giggle. No wonder these books have been beloved by kids for years. The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs & Ham, and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish are her favorites!

What are your kids reading this week? Leave your link in the comments below, and I'll post them throughout the day!

Be sure to visit In Need of Chocolate next week for the roundup!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week kicks off this Saturday, 9/26/09, and already there are some great posts talking about banned books and the importance of protecting our and our children's freedom to read.

This one by Laurie Halse Anderson really struck a chord with me. In the post, Anderson discusses three recent attempts schools and parents made to get two of her books banned from high school classrooms. Anderson says,

"If you are looking to get a head start on observing Banned Books Week, feel free to write to the schools involved with these challenges. PLEASE, I BEG YOU: be civilized and polite!! Our country is suffering an influenza of rudeness. Calling names and heaping scorn does not further discussions or change attitudes. It just builds the barricades higher.

If you have personal experience with TWISTED, as a reader, a parent, an educator, or a librarian, please share those experiences (in a positive, constructive way) with these people."

If you are interested in participating in Banned Books Week, check out the ALA's Ideas and Resources page to get even more ideas for addressing the issue and taking action.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

National Book Festival, September 26, 2009

If you're going to be in the DC area next weekend or want to make a road trip, please check out the National Book Festival. It's free to the public!

From Monica on behalf of the Library of Congress:

"The festival, which will be held on Saturday, September 26, 2009, is slated to feature over 70 best-selling writers, illustrators and poets.

New this year, the Library is bringing the festival direct to mobile phone users with their first-ever mobile campaign. By texting ‘BOOK’ to 61399, mobile phone users can opt-in to receive the latest festival announcements as well as author presentations and signing schedules. The text campaign is one of many interactive features to bring booklovers up-to-the minute festival information. The Library’s Twitter feed (@librarycongress, hashtag #nbf) and Facebook page already have thousands of followers.

Additionally, festival fans can now download author podcasts, which can be accessed free of charge through the Library’s website or on iTunes. The recordings feature candid interviews with award-winning authors George Pelecanos, James Patterson, Rickey Minor, Nicholas Sparks, and more. Finally, The Washington Post is hosting live online discussions in the week leading up to the festival with several participating authors, including Annette Gordon-Reed, Ken Burns, and Douglas Brinkley."

Check out the Festival website for more info!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire is the sequel to The Hunger Games, and it truly is the book I’ve been most anticipating to read this year.It starts off a little slow, not that that’s a bad thing. It’s just not as fast-paced in the beginning as The Hunger Games. Katniss and Peeta are back in District 12 as the champions of the Hunger Games, and while their financial lives have significantly improved, they are both haunted by the events that transpired during The Hunger Games. At least Katniss finds comfort in the fact that her family is safe and well fed, and she makes an effort to help out Gale’s family as much as he’ll let her. As you can expect, things have changed between Katniss and Gale, and matters are also still unresolved between Katniss and Peeta.

While things look good on the outside, the Capitol is furious about the stunt Katniss played in the Hunger Games that resulted in the first ever occurrence of two champions. The Capitol sees it as an act of rebellion, and there are hints of rebellion in other districts. After a threatening visit by President Snow, Katniss must decide if she will follow her heart or play the part of a girl who is in love with her fellow champion. This is when things really start getting good.

A surprise twist of events fastens the pace, leaving me on the edge of my edge until the super duper cliffhanger ending.

So, what did I think about the book? It definitely lived up to my expectations. I loved the twists and turns. I loved to see Katniss coming to terms with the way her mother acted when her father died, and I suspect that this will this develop in the third book. I also think that more of Katniss’s healing abilities to come into play, and she’ll realize that she’s more like her mother than she cares to admit.

Of course, I did not expect this book to let us know who Katniss would choose—Gale or Peeta. Just when she’s leaning toward one, she starts feeling differently about the other, so I’m excited to see how that will play out. Personally, I’m on Team Peeta, but maybe that’s because I’d probably choose a baker over a hunter.

What I thought was most interesting about the book was the detailed look at many of the districts and the fever of uprising that Suzanne Collins sprinkled throughout. I think the last book is going to be the darkest one yet, and Katniss is really going to face some difficult situations and have to make some tough decisions.

My only problem with the book is the fact that I have to wait so long for the next one. I am so not good with cliffhangers, and this one was a doozie.

Have you read it yet? What did you think?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What My Children Are Reading (September 17 edition + call for hosts)

Time for the latest edition of "What My Children Are Reading!" Here is what my little daughter and I have been reading recently.

Find My Feet by Salina Yoon

In this adorable board book, six animals from a cat to a horse are missing their feet, and children are challenged to match the feet on a turning wheel with the animals on each page. The wheel is easy enough for my daughter to turn, and this book has kept her entertained since we received it. To be honest with you, we don’t read the actual text that’s on each page. Instead, I turn the wheel and ask, “Is this the cat’s feet?” She responds by saying, “No, it’s not the cat’s feet,” and so on until we do find the feet. With this pattern, she’s able to “read” the book to herself and even read it to her daddy the other day. She was so proud of herself.

ISBN: 978-0-375-85111-7 | Publisher: Robin Corey Books, 9/8/2009 | Source: Review copy from publisher

Dark Night by Dorothee De Monfreid

A little boy named Felix takes a walk through the forest at night and encounters a frightening tiger, crocodile, and wolf. Luckily, he finds himself in the home of a rabbit who has a unique way to help Felix find his way home and frighten away the scary creatures. On first reading I was worried that my little one would be scared, but she absolutely loves the simple, yet engaging story, and Dorothee de Monfreid’s charming illustrations are well worth picking up the book.

ISBN: 978-0-375-85687-7 | Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers | Source: Review copy from publisher

What’s Inside Your Tummy, Mommy? By Abby Cocovini

I reviewed this book last year, and recently introduced it to my daughter because, well, she’ll be getting her very own little brother this winter! When she first learned of the pregnancy, she didn’t really quite understand what was going on, so I brought out this book to see if it would help. It really did. At 2 ½, she doesn’t really understand or care about the technical descriptions, so I just flip through the pages and show how the little baby in the mommy’s belly grows and grows. After a couple of readings, she pointed to my belly and informed me that a baby was growing inside and that it would get really big and come out. Sooo…I consider that a success. We have to look at the book at least once or twice a day now.

ISBN: 978-0805087604 | Publisher: Henry Holt BYR, April 2008 | Source: Review Copy from publisher

Call for Hosts

So now that you know my news, I need your help! Things are going to get really busy really soon around here, and I’m already struggling with keeping up this “weekly” post that I sometimes only remember about on Thursday nights. I really love seeing what everyone else is reading with their kids, so I was hoping that some of you would be willing to host the meme on Thursdays not only to keep the meme going but to also get people linking to your blogs.

If you’d like to host, leave a comment in the post, telling me which of the following weeks you’d like. I’ll post the schedule in my side bar, so everyone will know where to go.  As a reminder, this is open to parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, librarians, and anyone who reads with kids!

October 1: In Need of Chocolate

October 8: In the Dailies

October 15: Brimful Curiosities

October 22: Rebecca Reads

October 29: The Art of Irreverence

November 5: Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns

November 12: Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile

November 19: Joey & Aleethea

November 26: Meadowbrook Kindergarten Stars

December 3: Lap Readers

December 10:

December 17: Om ~ Mama ~ Shanti

December 24:

December 31: Laughing Stars

Thanks, and I so look forward to hear what your kids have been reading this week!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Cybils 2009

On October 1, nominations for this year's Children's and Young Adult Blogger Literary awards (Cybils) will open up. Check out the Cybils site for news and information. There's already a lot of great content up, so don't wait until October 1 to visit.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm Your Peanut Butter Big Brother by Selina Alko

There simply aren't enough children's books that feature interracial characters, so I did a little happy dance when this one arrived in my mailbox. In I'm Your Peanut Butter Big Brother a little boy talks to his soon-to-be brother or sister and imagines what he or she will look like. He himself is a blend of "semisweet dark Daddy chocolate bar," and "strawberry cream Mama's milk." The result? A "peanut butter big-brother-to-be." Will the new baby be "coffee with lots and lots of cream," "ginger cookie brown," or "midnight licorice purple"? The boy goes through the colors of his playmates and family and then imagines what the baby's hair, eyes, and lips will look like.

Vivid illustrations match the equally vivid descriptions, resulting in a book that celebrates the rich diversity within a family. This would make a great choice not only for interracial families who are expecting a new baby, but I also think for any child who is going to be a big brother, sister, cousin, etc. I haven't met many expectant mothers, fathers, or other family members who aren't curious about what a new baby will look like and who he or she will resemble, so this book could serve as a great discussion starter with children about what the new baby-to-be will look like. It's also portrays a very positive image of diversity, which makes me super happy to see in a children's book.

What Other Bloggers Are Saying:

Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast: "It’s a book that truly celebrates family and the thrill and mystery of an impending birth, especially for a young child, as well as the extra-added and lovely in-utero riddle of multiracial children." (read more...)

Kids Lit: "It is one to be shared with new older siblings but also one that can lead to great discussions and even greater acceptance in our children." (read more...)

Mulatto Diaries: "The whimsical elaboration of possibilities makes this the rare “issues-book” you’d want to snuggle up and read with your kids. " (read more...)

ISBN: 978-0375856273 | Knopf Books for Young Readers | March 2009 | Source: Review copy from publisher | Age range: 4-8

Friday, September 11, 2009

Parents' Choice Award Winners: Books and Magazines

I've been a bit uninspired by some of the books I've recently read and haven't found any review worthy. I hope to be back soon with some great recommendations for you.

In the meantime, please check out the books that won this years Parents' Choice Awards. They're organized by genre.

While you're at it, check out of the children's magazines that also won awards.

Congrats to all of the winners!