Years later, I still love her poetry and am always deeply affected by the power and emotion of her words. Lady Lazarus, written not long before her suicide, is perhaps one of my favorites and one that never fails to take my breath away, especially the last stanza:
"Out of the ash/ I rise with my red hair/And I eat men like air."
A little disturbing, no?
Lady Lazarus, by Sylvia Plath
"I have done it again.
One year in every ten
I manage it----
A sort of walking miracle, my skin
Bright as a Nazi lampshade,
My right foot
A paperweight,
My face a featureless, fine
Jew linen.
Peel off the napkin
0 my enemy.
Do I terrify?----
The nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?
The sour breath
Will vanish in a day.
Soon, soon the flesh
The grave cave ate will be
At home on me
And I a smiling woman.
I am only thirty.
And like the cat I have nine times to die.
This is Number Three.
What a trash
To annihilate each decade."
(read the rest here...)
I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has to offer up today. Mr. Linky is giving me heartburn, so I'm going old-school. Leave your link in the comments, and I'll post the round-up throughout the day. I'll be heading out to a party (woot woot!) around 5:00 EST, so if I don't get to you by then, I'll finish Saturday morning. Have a fantastic weekend!
Stacey at Two Writing Teachers is in with "Miracle Workers" by Taylor Mali.
Michele at Scholar's Blog shares Auden's "Musée Des Beaux Arts."
Tadmack at Finding Wonderland offers up some modern Scottish poetry with Tim Turnbull's "Getting in Touch With Our Feminine Sides."
Kelly at Big A little a is in with a poem about Iowa with "In the Elementary School Choir" by Gregory Djanikian.
Cloudscome at A Wrung Sponge is asking (BEGGING) for suggestions as to where she can submit her poetry. Head on over if you have any. Good luck Cloudscome!
Janet at Findings offers Jane Kenyon's "Afternoon in the House."
Laura Salas shares some great "15 Words or Less" poems and invites us to share our own.
Mary Lee at A Year of Reading is in with a poem from A Writers Almanac, Anne Stevenson's "Living in America."
Andrea at Just One More Book offers up a podcast chat about Barbara Nichol's collection of dog-themed poems "Biscuits in the Cupboard."
Jama Rattigan celebrates the lovely and delicious tomato with Pablo Neruda's "Ode to Tomatoes," mouthwatering pictures, tomato art, a song, and more. Mmmmm.....
Elaine Magliaro is in with an original poem at Wild Rose Readers, "Deep Fried Dream." Elaine also shares more food poems, including Anne Stevenson's "In the Tunnel of Summers," at Blue Rose Girls. My mouth is watering.
Lisa Chellman at Under the Covers shares a lovely original poem, "Pink Summer."
I see a theme today with summer, food, and dogs. Linda at Write Time gives a review of Once I Ate a Pie, a collection of dog poems.
Liza at It's Just About Me: My Life and All That shares an original poem that really struck home with me and shares an important lesson for parents.
mnosal at Mnosals Weblog shares Deborah Chandra's "Porch Light." It brought back a lot of memories of my childhood days of sitting on my mother's porch at night.
Becky at Becky's Book Reviews is in with two animal poems from ANIMAL EXERCISES: POEMS TO KEEP FIT by Mandy Ross.
Muriel at The Write Sisters writes about New Hampshire's National Poet Laureates and highlights Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall.
Jennie at Biblio File is in with an original, "A Phone Call With My Father."
Akelda the Gleeful at Saints and Spinners shares poetry written by K. Jay based on "Jack B. Nimble."
Nancy at Naturally Speaking, brings us an original, "Daisy Patch: NYS Thruway 2008."
MsMac at Check it Out celebrates honeybees with a poem by Naomi Shihab Nye.
Over at Bildungsroman, Little Willow quotes a song from Gail Carson Levine's novel, Fairest.
Suzanne at Adventures in Daily Living shares Elizabeth Coatsworth's "All Goats."
AmoXcalli is in with a book review of a new Rumi translation.
Fuse #8 offers up a review of Minn and Jake's Almost Terrible Summer.
Lisa at A Little of This, a Little of That shares an original senryu poem.
Charlotte at Charlotte's Library is in with "Sheltered Garden" by H.D.
Ruth at There is no Such Thing as a God-Forsaken Town offers up Carl Sandburg's "Grass."
Cuileann at The Holly and the Ivy shares Franz Wright's "Event Horizon."
Miss Erin is in with Shel Silverstein's "Loser."
Felicity at Look Books brings us an untitled poem by Mercy Otis Warren.
Over at Paper Tigers, Marjorie reviews an introduction-to-poetry anthology: The Ring of Words, edited by Roger mcGough and illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura.
Mme T at Destined to Become a Classic shares a very sad poem, "The Breather," by Billy Collins.
ebin_5446 at Amy, Aaron, and the mini-Wheats shares some haiku-style reviews as well as some original haiku.
Finally, Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect ends a fantastic Poetry Friday with Emily Dickinson.
Thanks to everyone who contributed!
I'm in with one from Taylor Mali:
Thanks for hosting today!
I'm in with some Auden.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting the round-up!
Hello, I'm in with some modern Scottish poetry. Thanks for hosting.
ReplyDeleteHi Jill:
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting! And at the last minute, too :)
I'm in with an Iowa-themed poem:
Plath is always disturbing and compelling. I'll be thinking about that one all day while on the beach building sandcastles with the kiddos.
ReplyDeleteMy post is here, asking advice about submitting poetry to print publications. Thanks for hosting!
I'm with Cloudscome: Plath's poem disturbs and compels. Wow.
ReplyDeleteMy post is here: http://writer2b.wordpress.com/2008/08/01/poetry-friday-afternoon/
Thanks for hosting!
Reading Plath's poetry is like watching a fatal car crash happen in super slow motion. I hate to see it, but can't look away. Those lines about the pure gold baby melting to a shriek really get me in this one. Shriek is just the right word for the horrors she's describing.
ReplyDeleteI'm in at http://laurasalas.livejournal.com/84926.html with 15 Words or Less poems. Come see what others have written and add one of your own, if you like!
Thanks for hosting.
One of the Writer's Almanac poems this week made me smile. Sometimes there are treasures hidden behind assumptions and stereotypes.
ReplyDeleteMy post is here.
Thanks for rounding us up today!
ReplyDeleteOur contribution is a chat about Barbara Nichol's collection of fabulously playful, funny and endearing dog-themed poems "Biscuits in the Cupboard":
I've always had a fascination with Plath, too. So raw and intense.
ReplyDeleteToday I'm rhapsodizing about summer's darling, the tomato, with one of Neruda's classic odes:
Thanks so much for hosting!
Thanks for doing the roundup-up this week.
ReplyDeleteAt Wild Rose Reader, I have an original poem entitled "Deep-Fried Dream."
At Blue Rose Girls, I have a poem by Ann Stevenson entitled "In the Tunnel of Summers" and links to three of my other favorite "food" poems.
Thanks for hosting, Jill! I love The Bell Jar but have never before read Plath's poetry. I should change that!
ReplyDeleteI'm in with an original poem today (my first in about a millennium), Pink Summer.
Thanks for doing the roundup today.
ReplyDeleteI'm in with a review of ONCE I ATE A PIE, a very cute collection of dog poems.
I am sharing a poem I wrote this week.
Looking forward to reading the rest.
I'm in this week with the poem Porch Light.
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting!
Thanks for hosting! I'm in this week with 2 poems from Animal Exercises
Muriel, of The Write Sisters, has written about NH's national Poet Laureates, and has highlighted Donald Hall's picture book, Ox-Cart Man at www.thewritesisters.blogspot.com. Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting! I'm in with an original here:
Good morning! (Well, it's morning here in the Pacific Northwest). Thanks for hosting this week. I'm in with poetry based on the "Jack Be Nimble" nursery rhyme, written by K.Jay of a blog called Amish Guitar. Here is the link to his poems on my blog: http://saintsandspinners.blogspot.com/2008/08/jack-be-nimble-theme-and-variation-in.html
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday! Happy August! I posted an original poem today at my blog, Naturally Speaking.
Thank you for hosting. I am celebrating honeybees today at
Thanks for hosting! I'm quoting a song from the novel Fairest by Gail Carson Levine over at Bildungsroman.
ReplyDeleteHi - we are all about goats over at :: adventures in daily living ::.
ReplyDeleteThanks for hosting.
AmoXcalli is in with a book review of a new Rumi translation. Thank you for hosting!
Fuse #8 is in with a review of the version novel Minn and Jake's Almost Terrible Summer at http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/blog/1790000379/post/250030625.html
ReplyDeleteI decided to be original.
I'm in with The Sheltered Garden by H.D.
I'm in with Grass, by Carl Sandburg.
ReplyDeleteHere it is.
I prefer Plath's prose, but still, she's amazing.
ReplyDeleteI've got a Franz Wright poem today, "Event Horizon": http://thehollyandtheivy.blogspot.com/2008/08/such-beautiful-hands.html
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting! Here's my contribution: http://misserinmarie.blogspot.com/2008/08/loser.html
ReplyDeleteThanks much for hosting.
Thank you for hosting - I have a review of a wonderful introduction-to-poetry anthology: the Ring of Words edited by roger mcGough and illustrated by Satoshi kitamura...
ReplyDeleteWhoops, sorry - I forgot the link!
I'm in late (and you're out partying, yeah) with a new poem by Billy Collins that makes me sad.
Mme T
I'm in haiku-style.
I'm very late, but in today with Dickinson. Thanks so much for hosting.