Reading level: Baby-Preschool
Board book: 18 pages
Publisher: Charlesbridge Publishing (June 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1580891748
ISBN-13: 978-1580891745
Source of Book: Complimentary copy from The Global Fund for Children
Kids are fascinated with babies. They love to touch them, beg to hold them, and enjoy looking at them, so I think they will really love this week's baby/preschooler pick. Global Babies is a board book that features 17 beautiful photographs of babies around the world. Gorgeous babies from Thailand, Mali, the United States, Afghanistan, and more are dressed in customary clothing and show their distinct personalities. For example, the baby from Fiji sits on its knees with its hands behind its head just grinning at the camera, and a baby with large, glowing eyes from Rwanda peeks out from the multi-colored wrap that holds it close to its mother.
The text itself is one sentence that spans across the book, demonstrating what all babies have in common, regardless of where they're from.
Young children will be captivated by the photographs of all the babies in the book, and older preschoolers may be inspired to learn more about the different countries represented in the book. I can think of a number of expansion activities to teach children more about geography, different, cultures, and more.
In a simple, approachable format Global Babies helps children develop an appreciation for diversity and teaches us that despite all of our differences, we are all the same.
Language Development Tip:
For children learning how to form questions and answers, go through the book, pointing to the picture, asking: "Where does this baby live?" Prompt the child to respond with, "This baby lives in _____."
More about the Global Fund for Children:
"The Global Fund for Children’s mission is to advance the dignity of children and youth around the world. GFC pursues its mission by making small grants to innovative community-based organizations working with some of the world’s most vulnerable children and youth, complemented by a dynamic media program that, through books, documentary photography, and film, highlights the issues affecting children and celebrates the global society in which we all live." (Read more...)
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