Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Books Read in March

March was slow in the reading department because my personal and work life were extremely hectic. Here's what I managed to read.

Board Books

Fiction Picture Books

Nonfiction Picture Books

Middle Grade and Young Adult Nonfiction
Middle Grade and Young Adult Fiction

Adult Fiction
Currently reading 2 books but not finished.

Adult Nonfiction
Currently reading 3 books but not finished.

So that's 21 this month for a total of 51 so far this year. I have 149 more to read to meet my goal of 200! Ahhhhh!


  1. March threw me well off my goal of 200 also, Jill. So much so that I haven't even had the courage to post my list of books read this month. Sigh! Next month should be better...

  2. Jen,
    Moving requires TONS of time and energy--you have a perfect reason for not reading as much as you would have liked. Now you can find special reading spots in your brand new home...so much fun!

  3. Thanks for that nice thought, Jill (about finding special reading spots). We're awaiting delivery of a big new sofa, but in the meantime, I've got the old sofa set up in a little study with lots of afternoon sunshine. I look forward to actually having time to read there... Thanks for the good vibes!
